Where & When
Philip Street Reserve
Located in beautiful Pottsville Beach
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
7am – 1pm
Market stall bookings
For registered casual stall holders, please call 0431 201 469 or email markets@pbnc.org.au to make a booking.
For new stallholder enquiries, please email markets@pbnc.org.au to receive a link which enables the mandatory online application to be completed.
Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre Markets
PBNC Markets keep giving!
These popular markets are managed by PBNC and create an avenue for you to purchase farm fresh produce, plants, home-made treats, local art/craft, clothing and jewellery, home décor/kitchenware, nic-nax and much more.
Tell your friends and neighbours and bring your children along for amusement and music activities. Grab a drink and snag from our community barbeque which operates each market Sunday.
Remember the Op-Shop is open too! All stalls are operational from 7am. Dogs on leads, controlled by responsible dog owners, are welcome!
Your community benefits by your support of the markets as revenue raised by PBNC directly supports community development.
Information for Food Stallholders
Food stallholders, please check stall availability with the Market Coordinator before proceeding with the links below.
Stallholder Participation Guidelines
For a copy of the guidelines please click the button below